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Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College
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Friday Church News Notes - March 28
ROCK’S HAND-HORNS SIGNAL (Friday Church News Notes, March 28, 2025,, 866-295-4143) - The rock hand-horns signal is ubiquitous in today’s society, but there is nothing right about it from a biblical perspective. God’s people are admonished to “prove all things; hold fast that which is good,” “abstain from all appearance of evil,” and “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22; Ephesians 5:11). I began to do this in 1973 when I was saved out of a lifestyle steeped in rock & roll, submitted to the Bible as the sole authority for my life, and no longer wanted the rock & roll culture to shape my life. Consider two facts about the rock hands-horn signal.. see full report
I Hold to the Doctrines of Grace - March 26
I hold to the doctrines of grace that are clearly taught in Scripture. I absolutely love God’s grace. It is the free, unmerited, undeserved, full and complete salvation of God which was purchased 100% by Jesus Christ through His substitutionary, vicarious atonement. When He cried on the cross, “It is finished,” salvation was finished. No man can add a whit to grace salvation. All of the “good works” of humankind cannot add a jot or tittle to it.
 I am a Bible man. I love everything about the Bible. I’ve been a Bible man ever since the night I was converted in a motel room in Daytona Beach, Florida, in 1973. That night I came to believe that the Bible is God’s infallible Word, verbally and plenarily, though I didn’t yet know those terms. I have never doubted a word of the Bible since then. I don’t understand it all, but I believe it all. The kind man that led me to Christ gave me a large King James Bible, and that has been the Book of my life ever since. He taught me to study the Bible diligently and.. see full report
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NASA’s SPHEREx telescope
Friday Church News Notes - March 21
NASA CONTINUES VAIN SEARCH FOR ORIGIN OF LIFE (Friday Church News Notes, March 21, 2025,, 866-295-4143) - With blind devotion to the hypothesis of evolution, NASA has launched a new satellite “to explore the origins of the universe.” SPHEREx is short for Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization and Ices Explorer. “The mission aims to deepen the understanding of a phenomenon known as cosmic inflation, referring to the universe’s rapid and exponential expansion from a single point in a fraction of a second after the Big Bang that occurred roughly 13.8 billion years ago” (“NASA SPHEREx telescope,” Reuters, Mar. 12, 2025). NASA claims that cosmic inflation “caused.. see full report
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Bethel Church is a former Assemblies of God church in Redding, California, that withdrew in 2005 to become a “nondenominational” charismatic network of churches and ministries. Bethel’s senior pastors are the husband/wife team Bill and Beni Johnson.
 Bethel Music publishes popular contemporary worship songs, promotes CCM tours worldwide, and operates WorshipU, an influential educational program. Bethel’s most famous musician is Jeremy Riddle, co-author of “This Is Amazing Grace.” The heretical emphasis is “encountering God” and “pursuing the presence of God” by means of releasing oneself to heavily sensual music. “At every service, our worship teams usher in the presence of.. see full report
Pentecostal Scandals - March 18
The Pentecostal movement, from its inception, has been marred deeply by moral scandals and deception, and nothing has changed.
 Scandals can be found in any group of Christians, sadly, but scandals among Pentecostals and charismatics are significant because they claim a special anointing of God’s Spirit. They claim double blessings and triple anointings and super Spirit baptisms. They claim to operate in the Spirit and flow in the Spirit and talk in the Spirit and prophesy in the Spirit and laugh in the Spirit and soak in the Spirit and even get drunk in the Spirit. They claim to have the “full gospel” and the “four square gospel” and to operate in the “five-fold ministry.”
 I know from personal experience that not all Pentecostals or charismatics live scandalous lives. I was led to Christ in 1973 by an old-line Pentecostal who was a godly man, and I thank the Lord for the compassion he showed to this former “hippy” and for the biblical wisdom that he exercised in dealing with.
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The exposed nun is wrapped with chains (Image courtesy Israel Antiquities Authority)
THE ASCETIC NUN WRAPPED IN CHAINS AND IRONS (Friday Church News Notes, March 14, 2025,, 866-295-4143) - The skeleton of a nun wrapped in chains and irons was recently discovered in an ancient monastery in Jerusalem. This is the first physical evidence of an extreme ascetic practice that was reportedly widespread in the early centuries as apostate Christianity was spreading everywhere. “Theodoret of Cyrrhus, a 5th-century Christian writer, mentions two women, Marana and Cyra, who bound themselves with.. see full report
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Friday Church News Notes - March 7
ISRAEL’S DELUSION (Friday Church News Notes, March 7, 2025,, 866-295-4143) - Israel’s delusion is that she is back in the land by her own power and that she can live as she pleases and have God’s blessing without obedience to God and His Christ, just because she is Israel. This has been Israel’s delusion for 2,000 years. There can be no doubt about this, because Israel’s history, present condition, and future are recorded in infallible Scripture. Israel’s survival in the midst of the nations is indeed miraculous and her return to the land proves that the Bible is God’s Word. But Israel has survived.. see full report
The Book of Enoch - March 6
The following is excerpted from The Way of Life Commentary Series, General Epistles, -
Many modern scholars, even a great many “evangelicals,” are dogmatic that Jude quoted from the so-called Book of Enoch, but this is pure speculation.
 First of all, the Book of Enoch is a lie from beginning to end. It is a hodgepodge of mythical writings about Enoch’s supposed tour of heaven and hell during which he was led about by archangels and given extensive revelations. In contrast to Paul, who was not allowed to describe what he saw in paradise (2 Co. 12:4), Enoch tells all! He even reveals the names of archangels not mentioned in the Bible (Raphael, Suryal, and Uriel). It is full of wild-eyed tales, such as 450-foot-tall (300 cubits) cannibal giants on the pre-flood earth, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in heaven, the spirit of Abel suing Cain before God’s.
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The Christian life is a life of faith, not a life of feeling. God’s Word does not promise that if you are saved and living for Christ you will always be happy. Many have shipwrecked by pursuing feelings, depending on feelings. They have expected certain types of feelings, and when the feelings didn’t come, they floundered, they went astray. They gravitate to contemporary worship. They drink. They take drugs. But that only makes things worse.
Six Lessons on Faith vs. a Life of Feeling - In 52 years, I have experienced about everything the Christian life has to offer: victory, defeat, righteousness, sin, encouragement, discouragement, disappointment, joy, sorrow, tribulation, puzzlement, doubt, fear, and.. see full report
Romans 1 and Homosexuality - March 4
The following is excerpted from The Way of Life Commentary Series, Romans, -
 “God gave them up.” This is repeated three times (Ro. 1:24, 26, 28). It is the Greek paradidomi, from para (to the side of) and didomi (to give), meaning “to deliver over or up to the power of” (Complete Word Study Bible). It is often used for delivering someone to prison or to some other punishment (Mt. 4:12; 5:25; 10:17, 19, 21; 18:34; 20:19; 24:9; 26:15; 27:2, 26). It is God delivering man up to the enslavement described in Ephesians 2:3. “Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.” Note that God responds to man’s actions. Man rejects God, and God rejects man. This is what we see throughout Scripture. We see it in God’s dealings with Adam, Cain, the pre-flood generation, Babel, Sodom, pharaoh, the Canaanites, Israel, those who take the mark of the beast.. see full report
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Diante do Trono

Friday Church News Notes - Feb. 28
EVANGELICALS AND CATHOLICS MERGING THROUGH CCM (Friday Church News Notes, February 28, 2025,, 866-295-4143) - Evangelicals and Catholics in Brazil are merging through contemporary worship music. Consider a recent Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) report “Amazing Salvation Numbers.” At first glance, it appears that there is a great turning from Catholicism to “evangelicalism,” but on closer examination, the evolving one world “church” comes into focus. On one hand, the percentage of Brazilians identifying as Catholic has fallen from 93% in 1950 to about 65% today. The biggest growth is found among Pentecostal-Charismatic churches. At the same time, the radical ecumenism of.. see full report
Quick Prayerism Summarized - Feb. 27
We must continue to warn about the unscriptural method of evangelism that has permeated Baptist churches since the 1970s. A pastor recently told me (April 2024) that he thinks Jack Hyles’ influence is largely gone. I am convinced that he is naive. Quick Prayerism is taught in most soul winning training programs. The Sword of the Lord has taught Quick Prayerism since the 1960s and they still publish books by Hyles and others that promote that mythology. (As of May 2024, Hyles’ Let’s Go Soulwinning is still available at the Sword online bookstore.) I regularly hear from people who are in churches that promote Quick Prayerism. Even pastors who don’t think they practice Quick Prayerism, unknowingly practice some form of it because of their training.
 Everyone should be aware of this so they can guard against it.
What Is Quick Prayerism?
 Quick Prayerism is an evangelistic methodology that is quick to get people to pray a sinner’s prayer after a shallow gospel presentation and usually.. see full report
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The Hip-Hop Deathstyle
- Feb. 26
“The average age of death is between 25–30 years of age. Hip hop artists have a higher rate of homicide than artists of any other genre of music, ranging from five to 32 times higher” (“List of murdered hip hop musicians,” Wikipedia).
 Rap/hip-hop* is aggressive music, both in its lyrics, in its sound, and in its attitude, and it is not surprising that it has produced great violence. It is so morally filthy that a large percentage of the lyrics cannot be quoted and practically none of the videos can be shown in decent company. It screams rebellion and insubordination. Probably no other one influence has so defiled black culture. It is doubtless a major contributor to inner city violence, juvenile.. see full report
Donald Trump

President Donald Trump

Friday Church News Notes - Feb. 21
TRUMP SAYS AMERICA WILL BUY AND OWN GAZA (Friday Church News Notes, February 21, 2025,, 866-295-4143) - On February 9, President Donald Trump told reporters on Air Force One, “I’m committed to buying and owning Gaza. ... We’re committed to owning it, taking it, and making sure that Hamas doesn’t move back” (Israel World News, Feb. 10, 2025). Trump plans for Gaza, which has been devastated by the fighting, to be leveled and rebuilt as a resort. He promised, “We’re going to bring stability to the Middle East. ... There won’t be anybody there. Hamas won’t be there. We’ll be building through other of the very rich countries in the Middle East, they’ll be.. see full report
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Rousseau: Father of the Pop Culture, Socialism, and Wokism
- Feb. 20
The French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (pronounced zhon-zak Rúso) (1712-1778) is one of the most influential of the modern humanistic philosophers. At a young age, he rejected the Reformed Christian faith of his grandfather, who was a Calvinist preacher (Kevin Swanson, Apostate: The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West). He rejected the authority of the Bible as God’s Word and exalted human reason in its place, which is the fundamental error of all humanistic philosophy. He believed that man is basically good and nature is innocent. He exclaimed, “Man is born free” and “Let us return to nature!” Intending to.. see full report

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