Bible College

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Literature

Publisher of Bible Study Materials

Way of Life Bible College
Dressing for the Lord
by David W. Cloud,
January 2020, 228 pgs
Formats: Softcover, eBook

To our knowledge, this is the most extensive study on the Christian’s dress in print. There was a time, just a few years ago, when a message like the one contained in this book was heard from fundamentalist and independent Baptist pulpits across the world, but that is no longer the case. All too often, any kind of preaching about clothing has become an oddity, an embarrassment, or a type of “legalism.” The resistance of the rock & roll culture to such preaching is so pervasive that many pastors have decided to ignore the matter of dress, thus the battle is lost simply because the ground is abandoned. Yet if ever there ever were a time when preachers need to warn their people about clothing issues, it is today.

Modern society is drenched with indecency. A Vogue fashion show would make ancient Corinth blush. To lay a solid Bible foundation for modesty, we give a careful exegesis of about 25 key Bible passages from Genesis to 1 John, and from these Scriptures we develop Bible principles that can be applied to any nation or culture. The chapter titles include “The Origin of Clothing, “Clothing Is a Language,” “The Captains of the Fashion Industry,” “Isn’t This Basically the Man’s Problem?” “Bible Guidelines for Clothing,” “A Study on Biblical Modesty,” “Worldliness and the Christian’s Dress,” “Pants and the Christian Woman,” “Pushing the Edge on Dress Standards,” Questions Answered on the Issue of Christian Dress,” “Testimonies from Christian Women on the Issue of Modest Dress,” “Survey of Men on the Subject of Women’s Dress,” and “Sources for Ready-made Modest Clothing.”

The section on
“QUESTIONS ANSWERED” deals with 36 common challenges, such as “Since God looks on the heart, why be so concerned about appearance?” “Men are going to sin anyway, so what is the big deal?” “Shouldn’t we just teach the Bible and let the Holy Spirit deal with this issue?” “I believe dress standards just produce pride and hypocrisy”; “As an older woman I don’t think the modesty issue is very significant for me”; “God is the business of changing hearts, which is more important than dress”; “I am not personally convicted about dressing the way you describe”; “Should women only wear drab sack dresses?” “I wear pants because there are many things I can’t do in a dress”; “In Bible times both men and women wore robes”; “I only wear feminine pants”; “Preachers that preach against pants are mean-spirited and just want to dictate”; “Wearing dresses is old-fashioned and we should not be weird”; “Those who preach against pants on women are legalistic”; “Some pants are more modest than some dresses”; “What about the issue of modesty in other cultures?” “What about tattoos and piercings?” “Isn’t the sincerity of the heart the important thing?”

“I think it is tremendous. Looking forward to seeing this published!” (Don Williams of the Hephzibah House).

Dressing for the Lod
Book: Softcover, 228 pages, 5.5x8.5 in.
eBook: PDF and ePub formats.
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Softcover Book
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