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Schuller’s doctrine is New Age and his affiliations are New Age.
His book titles have included:
The Be-Happy Attitudes: Eight Positive Attitudes that Can Transform Your Life.
Believe in the God Who Believes in You.
The Greatest Possibility Thinker That Ever Lived.
Peace of Mind through Possibility Thinking.
Power Thoughts.
Self-Love: The Dynamic Force of Success.
You Can Become the Person You Want to Be.
Schuller reinterprets the doctrines of the Word of God to conform to his heretical self-esteem philosophy. To Schuller, sin is the lack of self-esteem. His christ is a psycho-savior who is “self-esteem incarnate.” His gospel is to replace negative self-concepts with positive ones. To Schuller, man is not a sinner. He is universalist, believing that all men are the children of God.
Robert Schuller wants to create a new kind of Christianity: one that believes in the Fatherhood of God and the divinity of man, one that is positive and non-judgmental, one that worships a New Age self-esteem Christ, one that denies the necessity of Christ’s blood atonement, one in which salvation involves being reconciled with one’s one essential goodness, one that believes in the essential truth in all religions.
Schuller’ false teaching is an extremely serious matter in light of his wide influence. He has been one of the most popular religion television personalities in America for decades. His books sell by the millions. His self-esteem Christianity has been adopted by multitudes. These believe they are Christians; they attend churches; but in reality they worship a false christ and follow a false gospel.
Consider some excerpts from his book Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, published by Word Books in 1982:
“The core of original sin, then is LOT--Lack of Trust. Or, it could be considered an innate inability to adequately value ourselves. Label it a 'negative self-image,' but DO NOT SAY THAT THE CENTRAL CORE OF THE HUMAN SOUL IS WICKEDNESS. ... POSITIVE CHRISTIANITY DOES NOT HOLD TO HUMAN DEPRAVITY, BUT TO HUMAN INABILITY. I am humanly unable to correct my negative self-image until I encounter a life-changing experience with non-judgmental love bestowed upon me by a Person whom I admire so much that to be unconditionally accepted by him is to be born again” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, p. 67).
“Classical theology DEFINES SIN AS 'REBELLION AGAINST GOD.' The answer is not incorrect as much as IT IS SHALLOW AND INSULTING TO THE HUMAN BEING. Every person deserves to be treated with dignity even if he or she is a 'rebellious sinner” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, p. 65).
“Any analysis of 'sin' or 'evil' or 'demonic influence' or 'negative thinking' or 'systemic evil' or 'antisocial behavior' that fails to see the lack of self-dignity as the core of the problem will prove to be too shallow. … TO BE BORN AGAIN MEANS THAT WE MUST BE CHANGED FROM A NEGATIVE TO A POSITIVE SELF-IMAGE--from inferiority to self-esteem, from fear to love, from doubt to trust” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, p. 68).
“The classical error of historical Christianity is that we have never started with the value of the person. Rather, WE HAVE STARTED FROM THE 'UNWORTHINESS OF THE SINNER,' AND THAT STARTING POINT HAS SET THE STAGE FOR THE GLORIFICATION OF HUMAN SHAME in Christian theology” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, p. 162).
“Historical theology has too often failed to interpret repentance as a positive creative force. ... ESSENTIALLY, IF CHRISTIANITY IS TO SUCCEED IN THE NEXT MILLENNIUM, IT MUST CEASE TO BE A NEGATIVE RELIGION AND MUST BECOME POSITIVE” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, p. 104).
“What do I mean by sin? Answer: Any human condition or act that robs God of glory by stripping one of his children of their right to divine dignity. ... I can offer still another answer: 'SIN IS ANY ACT OR THOUGHT THAT ROBS MYSELF OR ANOTHER HUMAN BEING OF HIS OR HER SELF-ESTEEM’” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, p. 14).
“AND WHAT IS 'HELL'? IT IS THE LOSS OF PRIDE THAT NATURALLY FOLLOWS SEPARATION FROM GOD--the ultimate and unfailing source of our soul's sense of self-respect. 'My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?' was Christ's encounter with hell. In that 'hellish' death our Lord experienced the ultimate horror--humiliation, shame, and loss of pride as a human being. A person is in hell when he has lost his self-esteem. Can you imagine any condition more tragic than to live life and eternity in shame?” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, pp. 14-15, 93).
“Christ is the Ideal One, for HE WAS SELF-ESTEEM INCARNATE” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, p. 135).
“JESUS NEVER CALLED A PERSON A SINNER. ... Rather he reserved his righteous rebuke for those who used their religious authority to generate guilt and caused people to lose their ability to taste and enjoy their right to dignity...” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, pp. 100,126).
“I found myself immediately attracted to Pope John Paul II when, upon his election to the Papacy, his published speeches invariably called attention to THE NEED FOR RECOGNIZING THE DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN BEING AS A CHILD OF GOD” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, p. 17).
“In a theology that starts with an uncompromising respect for each person's pride and dignity, I HAVE NO RIGHT TO EVER PREACH A SERMON OR WRITE AN ARTICLE THAT WOULD OFFEND THE SELF-RESPECT AND VIOLATE THE SELF-DIGNITY OF A LISTENER OR READER. Any minister, religious leader, writer, or reporter who stoops to a style, a strategy, a substance, or a spirit that fails to show respect for his or her audience is committing an insulting sin. Every human being must be treated with respect; self-esteem is his sacred right.”
“The tragedy of Christendom today is the existence of entire congregations of church members who are dominated by emotionally deprived or emotionally under-developed persons. These congregations have been accurately labeled 'God's Frozen People.' ... And they do this by EXERCISING NARROW AUTHORITARIANISM IN DOCTRINES AND PRACTICES AND BY SOWING SEEDS OF SUSPICION AND DISSENSION IN THE RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY. ... By contrast, strong persons--self-assured personalities, whose egos find their nourishment in a self-esteem-generating personal relationship with Jesus Christ--dare to face contrary opinions, diverse interpretations, and deviations of theology without becoming disrespectful, judgmental, or accusatory” (Schuller, Self-Esteem, pp. 153-154).
Schuller contends that the most destructive thing that can be done to a person is to call him a sinner. In an article in Christianity Today, October 5, 1984, Schuller said, “I don't think anything has been done in the name of Christ and under the banner of Christianity that has proven more destructive to human personality and, hence, counterproductive to the evangelism enterprise than the often crude, uncouth, and unchristian strategy of attempting to make people aware of their lost and sinful condition.”
In 1992 Schuller founded Churches Uniting in Global Missions, which seeks “a spirit of unity that is truly Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Evangelical, and Charismatic.”
In October 1987 Schuller spoke at Jesus Day VII, in Chicago. This was a New Age Roman Catholic gathering. One of the speakers was Matthew Fox, whose new age theology is so strange that he has been disciplined by the Vatican! Fox accepts homosexuality, premarital sex, feminism, and advocates a sort of pantheism. He rejects the doctrine of hell and calls for churches to have wiccan circle dances. A witch named Starhawk is on the faculty of Fox's Holy Names College. In his speech at Jesus Day VII, Fox advocated throwing out traditional images of the historical Jesus and concentrating on “the cosmic Christ within.” Fox urged Christians to adopt traditions from ancient African and Greek religions and from nature. “You represent divinity,” Fox said. “God looks at you in the morning and sees herself. She laughs and sees her beauty.” The National & International Religion Report noted that Schuller said he did not know much about the theology of the other speakers and he warned of the dangers of subjective mysticism, but he also said that he attended the Catholic gathering because he believes the Catholic Church has the best chance at evangelizing the world in upcoming years.
In his autobiography Schuller describes a meeting with Islamic leaders and says:
“Standing before a crowd of devout Muslims with the Grand Mufti [of Jerusalem], I know that WE’RE ALL DOING GOD’S WORK TOGETHER. Standing on the edge of a new millennium, we’re laboring hand in hand to repair the breach. ... I’m dreaming a bold impossible dream: that positive-thinking believers in God will rise above the illusions that our sectarian religions have imposed on the world, and that leaders of the major faiths will rise above doctrinal idiosyncrasies, choosing not to focus on disagreements, but rather TO TRANSCEND DIVISIVE DOGMAS TO WORK TOGETHER TO BRING PEACE AND PROSPERITY AND HOPE TO THE WORLD” (My Journey, pp. 501, 502).
Schuller has featured prominent New Agers on his television program. Consider the following discerning report by former New Ager Warren Smith, author of The Light That Was Dark: A Spiritual Journey:
“On Oct. 17, 2004, more than 20 years after his first appearance on the Hour of Power, New Age leader Gerald Jampolsky was once again Robert Schuller’s featured guest. ... I was very familiar with Gerald Jampolsky. When I was exploring New Age teachings, he was the first one to introduce me to the New Age Christ and to the New Age/New Gospel teachings of A Course in Miracles. Widely reputed in New Age circles to be the closest thing to a New Age bible, A Course in Miracles taught me that ‘there is no sin,’ ‘a slain Christ has no meaning’ and ‘the recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.’ On this Hour of Power program, Schuller praised Jampolsky and recommended all of his ‘fabulous’ books--in spite of the fact that every one of them was based on the New Age teachings of ‘A Course in Miracles.’ He also stated that Jampolsky’s latest book, Forgiveness, was available in the Crystal Cathedral bookstore.
“Amazingly, Schuller had begun the year as a featured speaker at the annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals. He was now closing the year by featuring a prominent New Age leader as his special guest. As usual, no one in Christian leadership was holding him accountable, or even seemed to care. Over the years, Schuller had obviously done a good job of softening up the church” (Warren Smith, “Rethinking Robert Schuller” WorldNetDaily, October 30, 2007).
Schuller employs Hegelian dialectics to move from the old traditional Bible doctrinal position to a new one. It is one of the methodologies employed to bring about his “New Reformation.”
As we see in the chapter “Hegelian Dialectics,” its objective is to replace something old with something new (e.g., capitalism with communism, traditional theology with modernism, a traditional educational system with a new one, an old age with a new). It does this by challenging an existing idea (thesis) with a contradictory idea (antithesis) to combine them into something new (synthesis), and then repeating the process until the desired end is reached.
Speaking religiously and spiritually, it is an ever-evolving system that never arrives at absolute truth. All is relative and negotiable and the end justifies the means. It employs a wide range of tactics: dialogue, compromise, consensus forming, conflict resolution, divide and conquer, deceit, redefinition of words, giving new names to objectionable things, crisis creation, obfuscation (concealment of meaning by making something confusing and hard to interpret or by otherwise hiding its true meaning). It requires non-judgmentalism, tolerance, acceptance, relativism, group mentality.
It is not an innocent process. It is used by “change agents” and “facilitators of transformation.” Hegelian dialectics is “the framework for guiding our thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead us to a predetermined solution” (Niki Raapana and Nordica Friedrich, “What Is the Hegelian Dialectic?” October 2005, http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/05/dialectic.htm).
Consider how that Schuller’s January 2008 Rethink Conference employed Hegelian dialectics to further his New Age objectives of syncretizing religion and creating a new type of Christianity and ultimately a new world through the power of human potential.
The conference was “A CONVERGENCE of some of the most influential Christian and global thinkers” (Rethink Conference announcement, Oct. 15, 2007). These great thinkers were also described as “respected icons in media, politics, faith, science, business and technology.” The important fact is that they represented contradictory ideas, and their contradictory ideas were to be the stepping stones to something new. They included evangelicals such as Rick Warren’s wife, Kay, and Lee Strobel, Emerging Church leaders Erwin McManus and Dan Kimball, Evangelicals and Catholics Together proponent Charles Colson, media mogul and pornography purveyor Rupert Murdoch, and agnostic Larry King.
The Rethink Conference was clearly described in terms of the Hegelian methodology, though of course the term itself was not used. The idea of the conference was “bring all the different thoughts and ideas and create something cohesive and meaningful” (“Interview with Erwin McManus, Christian Post, Jan. 22, 2008). The process involved hearing what each speaker said in a 20-minute lecture, then to “wrestle with it, dialogue about it, agree or disagree with it--then take it a step further and make it your own” (Rethink Conference announcement, Oct. 15, 2007).
Schuller also described his Hegelian methodology in the book Don’t Throw Away Tomorrow: Living God’s Dream for Your Life:
“We need to learn the healing quality of wise compromise. ... Perhaps the only way to deal with contradictions is to combine them creatively and produce something new. That’s ingenious compromise.” (New Age leader Gerald Jampolsky’s endorsement is on the back cover of this book.)
To seek to combine contradictions into something new is Hegelian dialectics. It is a key principle of the emerging church.
If some believe that Jesus is God and others believe he was merely a great teacher, and if some believe that man is a fallen sinner separated from God and others believe he is essentially good and one with God, and if some believe that God is the Almighty who created all things but is not a part of the creation and others believe that God is the sum total of all things -- those are the old contradictions and we must move beyond such things. This is what they are saying and this is where they are heading.
From a biblical perspective this is gross disobedience to God. From a biblical perspective, compromise of doctrinal truth is only evil. The Bible claims to be the sole divine revelation that God has given mankind and we are to believe it and judge everything by it. We are to allow “no other doctrine” (1 Timothy 1:3) and we are to “earnestly content for the faith which was once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3), which means we are forbidden to give contradictory doctrines any credence.
For the Bible believer, the Bible is THE infallible thesis, and every antithesis is to be rejected and no synthesis allowed!
The Bible asks rhetorically, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). The Ecumenical, New Age, Emerging Church crowd brazenly replies, “Sure, we can make that work.”
Well does the Bible describe the great departure of the faith as those who are “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7).
In light of Schuller’s blatant denial of the Word of God, his false gospel, and his radical ecumenism and blatant syncretism, it is amazing to see evangelical leaders fellowshipping with him, but the record is clear.
Schuller's book Self-Esteem was endorsed by men such as Clark Pinnock of McMaster Divinity College, David Hubbard, president of Fuller Theological Seminary, and Kenneth Chafin of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Schuller was scheduled to speak at the 62nd annual meeting of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) in March 2004.
Two years after Schuller published Self-Esteem: The New Reformation, Christianity Today editors examined Schuller's theology, and, amazingly, concluded that he is not a heretic. Consider an excerpt from an August 10, 1984, Christianity Today article by Kenneth Kantzer and Paul Fromer:
“He believes all the 'fundamental' doctrines of traditional fundamentalism. He adheres to every line of the Apostles' Creed with a tenacity born of deep conviction. ... he avowed belief in a literal hell. He was not sure about its location, and the fire is to be understood figuratively...”
This is remarkable. Sure, when Robert Schuller is questioned about his theology, he says he believes the fundamental doctrines of the Faith. Most Modernists do. What he will not admit is that he redefines the terminology of the Faith so as to produce an entirely different, and false, theology. We have seen this from his own pen. We do not need a personal interview to clarify the man's blatant apostasy!
Schuller says he believes in salvation by grace, but what he actually believes is that salvation is being rescued from poor self-esteem. He says he believes in Hell; but his hell is the loss of self-esteem, not a place of fiery eternal torment. He says he believes in sin; but sin is not willful rebellion against God and His law, but the loss of self-esteem. He says he believes in Jesus Christ; but his positive-only, “Self-Esteem Incarnate” Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible.
Schuller says he believes everything in the Bible. That is not true. What he believes about the Bible is actually a redefined, twisted view of it. His repentance is not Bible repentance; his new birth is not Bible regeneration; his Hell, his Heaven, his Jesus, cross, his salvation is not that of the Bible. The man is an arch-heretic, a blasphemer. He has never retracted or repented of the views promoted in his book Self-Esteem.
The watchdogs at Christianity Today are blind and dumb.
Consider a brief survey of other evangelical leaders who accept Schuller as a genuine brother in Christ:
Billy Graham has frequently appeared with and praised Schuller. In 1983, Schuller sat in the front row of distinguished guests invited to honor Graham's 65th birthday. In 1986 Schuller was invited by Graham to speak at the International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists in Amsterdam. Other featured speakers included many of today's most prominent evangelical leaders, including Bill Bright, Leighton Ford, and Luis Palau. Schuller was featured on the platform of Graham's Atlanta Crusade in 1994.
Southern Baptist leader W.A. Criswell endorsed Schuller's ministry in 1981 in an ad in Christianity Today’s Leadership magazine. He said, “I know Dr. Schuller personally. He's my good friend. I've spoken on his platform. I'm well acquainted with his ministry. If you want to develop fruitful evangelism in your church; if you want your laity to experience positive motivation and ministry fulfilling training, then I know, without a doubt, that you will greatly benefit from the Robert Schuller Film Workshop.” A year prior to that, Criswell also endorsed a book by Schuller's mentor, self-esteem theologian Norman Vincent Peale.
On April 29, 1980, Robert Schuller appeared with popular evangelical and charismatic leaders Bill Bright, D. James Kennedy, James Robison, Jim Bakker, Rex Humbard, Pat Robertson, Pat Boone, Nicky Cruz, David du Plessis, Demos Shakarian, and Thomas Zimmerman (Assemblies of God) at the Washington for Jesus Rally. Joining them was independent Baptist pastor Jerry Falwell.
Popular author and teacher R.C. Sproul, president of Ligonier Ministries, has spoken at Robert Schuller's Crystal Cathedral on numerous occasions. He spoke at Schuller's church in September 21, 1984, then at John MacArthur's church three days later. Again Sproul spoke at Schuller's church in October 26, 1986, and then at MacArthur's church on October 29. This reveals the importance of practicing biblical separation. To our knowledge, John MacArthur has not personally promoted Schuller, but he has men in to speak at his church who are so spiritually blind that they work hand-in-hand with a heretic like Robert Schuller. This is a great confusion. Some would label this “second degree separation,” but that is nonsense. To separate from a man such as Sproul who is disobeying the clear commands of the Word of God to mark and avoid false teaching is not some kind of secondary separation. It is wisdom and it is obedience. At the end of Paul's second epistle to the Thessalonians he warns: “And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed” (2 Thess. 3:14). The immediate context deals with those who refuse to work, but the general application is to everything which was taught in the epistle, and in other epistles as well. If we are to separate ourselves from a Christian brother who refuses to work, how much more must we separate from one who muddies the Gospel by fellowshipping with modernistic heretics and Romanists, etc.?
In October 1986 Schuller was on the council to host the Fourth Triennial Convention of the Asia Missions Association. Other men involved in this were evangelical leaders Donald McGavran, Ralph Winter, David Howard, Dale Kietzman of the World Literature Crusade, Edward Dayton of World Vision, Peter Deyneka of the Slavic Gospel Mission, Jack Frizen of the IFMA, and Wade Coggins of the EFMA.
In 1987 a survey was conducted by the National Association of Christian Psychotherapists and Counselors as to which television ministry is “the most effective in applying biblical principles to people's problems.” Robert Schuller's Hour of Power came out on top. James Dobson, president of the organization, commented: “He's not dogmatic. His message is clear and deals mainly with cognitive reconditioning. Yet he uses the Bible as his source. He comes across more as a therapist then a minister, yet his message is still very Christian in nature.” Dobson has used Schuller's endorsements in his ads (Calvary Contender, August 15, 1987).
A wide range of evangelical leaders joined hands with Robert Schuller and other heretics at the Congress '88, August 4-7, 1988, in Chicago. Allegedly a congress on evangelism, it was actually a congress on ecumenical compromise and end-times apostasy. Catholic priest Alvin Illig was one of the leaders and the opening address was brought by the Catholic Archbishop of Chicago, Joseph Bernardin. At the piano for the opening night services was Larry Shakley, minister of music at Willow Creek Community Church and band director for Moody Bible Institute's Friday Night Sing. Speakers included Charles Colson, Bill Bright, Jack Wyrtzen, Jay Kessler, and Southern Baptist Robert Hamblin. Representatives from the Navigators, Jews for Jesus, Pioneer Clubs, Moody Monthly magazine, and General Baptists delivered workshops.
In August 1991, World Vision co-sponsored an Interfaith Rally in St. Louis, Missouri, which was addressed by Robert Schuller.
Tony Campolo has frequently recommended Robert Schuller and has spoken with him on various platforms. In his book Partly Right, Campolo said: “Schuller affirms our divinity, yet does not deny our humanity ... isn't that what the gospel is? Isn't God's message to sinful humanity that He sees in each of us a divine nature of such worth that He sacrificed His own Son.”
Christianity Today, which should be titled New Evangelicalism Today, has frequently carried advertisements promoting Robert Schuller. Each year CT publishes ads for Schuller's Institute for Successful Church Leadership. This is one more evidence that popular evangelicalism today is not concerned about the truth. Doctrine is merely a game with these men. They will debate doctrine, but they will not separate on the basis of doctrine and they will not mark the heretics who promote false doctrine.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship president Stephen Hayner joined Schuller in January 1994, to participate in the Schuller Institute for Successful Church Leadership.
In December 1994, Schuller joined hands with a wide range of popular evangelical leaders at Campus Crusade for Christ head Bill Bright's Fast for Revival conference. Among those attending were Charles Colson, E.V. Hill, Jack Hayford, James Dobson, W.A. Criswell, Charles Stanley, Paul Crouch, Luis Palau, Bill Gothard, Pat Robertson, Jay Arthur, and Larry Burkett.
In February 1996, Robert Schuller was featured at Jerusalem Celebration 2000. Joining him for this meeting was Paul Yonggi Cho, Jack Hayford, C. Peter Wagner, among others.
In September 1996, Beverly LaHaye and Ralph Reed joined Robert Schuller for a Christian Coalition conference in Washington D.C., sponsored by cult-leader “Rev.” Sun Myung Moon.
Many of the Promise Keepers speakers and leaders are connected with Schuller. For example, John Maxwell, Jack Hayford, and Randy Phillips were among the keynote speakers at the Men's Conference '95 (March 2-4, 1995) held at Schuller's Crystal Cathedral. Schuller also spoke at the conference.
Bill Hybels of the Willow Creek Community Church near Chicago credits Schuller as an inspiration for his work, has promoted Schuller in various ads in Christianity Today, and is a frequent speaker at meetings organized by Schuller. For example, in 1996 Hybels was on the staff of Schuller's annual Institute for Successful Church Leadership. Hybels is one of the chief promoters of churches which cater to the desires of the people. He started his church by taking a survey of the community and building a “church” which would satisfy what the people wanted in a church. A Chicago sociologist said Hybels preaches a very upbeat message--”a salvationist message, but the idea is not so much being saved from the fires of hell. Rather, it's being saved from meaninglessness and aimlessness in this life. It's more of a soft-sell.” Hybels' church does not have conventional worship. It has no altar, no choir, organ, hymnals, or song books. Its music ranges from rock to jazz to country to classical. It is no wonder that Hybels would love Robert Schuller and his self-esteem message. The stranger fact is that Hybels is frequently recommended by and speaks with those who claim to be Bible based. He spoke at Dallas Seminary's 1989 Pastors Conference, for example. Hybels has also spoken at Moody Bible Institute's Founder's Week and has taught his philosophy of church growth as a faculty member of MBI's graduate school.
Schuller’s 1996 autobiography, My Soul's Adventure with God, was endorsed by Paul Crouch, Jack Hayford, John Wimber, and popular Southern Baptist leader W.A. Criswell.
Schuller received a standing ovation at the March 2004 annual convention of the National Association of Evangelicals.
Rick Warren of Purpose Driven fame has been deeply influenced by Schuller. In his last year at seminary, Warren attended Schuller’s Institute for Church Growth, and was “won over.” His wife, Kay, said, “He had a profound influence on Rick. We were captivated by his positive appeal to nonbelievers. I never looked back” (http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2002/012/1.42.html). Warren has also spoken at Schuller’s conferences. He spoke at the Schuller Institute for Successful Church Leadership in 1997. And Schuller endorsed Warren’s Purpose Drive Church, saying, “I'm praying that every pastor will read this book, believe it, be prepared to stand corrected by it, and change to match its sound, scriptural wisdom. Rick Warren is the one all of us should listen to and learn from.”
On April 18, 2004, Ravi Zacharias appeared on Robert Schuller’s Hour of Power program and did not give his listeners one word of warning about his heresies.
In January 2008, Rick Warren’s wife, Kay, and other evangelicals joined Robert Schuller and a host of heretics and unbelievers at the Rethink Conference. Other evangelicals included Jay Sekulow, Henry Cloud, John Townsend, and Lee Strobel, and Charles Colson.
The fact that so many “evangelical” leaders treat Schuller as a brother in Christ is evidence of their blindness. Christ warns us not to follow blind leaders. “And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch” (Matthew 15:14).
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